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Woman Tragically Struck By Steam Train After Trying To Take Selfie In Front Of It

Tragedy struck in Mexico as a woman lost her life while attempting to snap a selfie near a passing train.


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The incident unfolded on Monday (June 3) in Nopala de Villagran, Mexico, where crowds had gathered to witness the majestic sight of a vintage steam train, The Empress 2816, as it journeyed through the town.


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The train, part of CPKC’s Final Spike Steam Tour, had embarked on a historic journey spanning Canada, the U.S., and Mexico, marking a milestone in railway history.


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Keith Creel, President and CEO of CPKC, heralded the tour as a monumental event, showcasing the first-ever steam-powered passenger train to traverse the continent in a single trip.

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Beginning in April and slated to conclude in July, the tour drew spectators from far and wide, eager to catch a glimpse of the iconic locomotive.

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However, tragedy struck amidst the excitement as one woman, identified as 29-year-old Dulce Alondra, ventured too close to the tracks in a misguided attempt to capture a selfie with the passing train.

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Caught in the path of the moving locomotive, Dulce’s life was tragically cut short, leaving onlookers shocked and saddened by the devastating turn of events.

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Video footage captured the harrowing moment, depicting Dulce crouching near the tracks, seemingly unaware of the imminent danger, while holding her phone aloft.

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Despite the heart-wrenching outcome, reports suggest that Dulce’s child, who was with her at the time, escaped unharmed, offering a glimmer of relief amidst the tragedy.

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 In response to the incident, CPKC Mexico issued a statement expressing condolences and cooperation with the authorities in their investigation.

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Emphasizing the importance of railway safety, CPKC urged the public to exercise caution and maintain a safe distance from the tracks during train crossings.

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Warning against reckless behavior, CPKC stressed the need for vigilance and adherence to safety guidelines to prevent further tragedies along railway lines.

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The fatal accident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by trains and the importance of prioritizing safety when near railway tracks.

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 As the community mourns the loss of Dulce Alondra, her untimely demise underscores the need for heightened awareness and caution when interacting with trains and railway infrastructure.

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Amidst the outpouring of grief, authorities and railway operators vow to take necessary measures to prevent similar incidents in the future, ensuring the safety of both passengers and bystanders.

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 With the investigation ongoing, the heartbreaking story of Dulce’s tragic end serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the devastating consequences of a moment’s lapse in judgment.

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As the nation grapples with the aftermath of this senseless tragedy, calls for increased safety measures and public awareness echo across communities, seeking to prevent further loss of life along railway corridors.

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From the bustling streets of Nopala de Villagran to the corridors of power, the memory of Dulce Alondra serves as a beacon of caution, urging all to heed the warnings and exercise vigilance near railway tracks.

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As the wheels of justice turn and investigations continue, the legacy of Dulce Alondra lives on, prompting a collective commitment to ensuring the safety of all who traverse the nation’s railways.