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Older Adults Swear These Fitness Tools Keep Them Young

We all know someone who looks fabulous for their age. What do they eat? Is it just their genes? More often than not, they simply know the secret of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I’ve found that diet certainly plays a role, and heredity can, too. But no matter what, staying fit and toned means exercising all our 2,000 parts! Using fitness tools and workout equipment can help.

As we age, exercise sometimes falls by the wayside because it’s just too hard, we can’t find the time, or we’re just plain tired. But these fitness tools and workout equipment that older adults swear by can help you feel younger and more energetic and keep that body in shape.

Editorial Note: We review everything independently. If you make a purchase through our links, we may earn a commission.

Work Out Even When You Can’t With the Abdominal Training Belt

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If you’re like me, working out would be easier if it were part of our daily tasks. The abdominal training belt works your core so you don’t have to! With pre-set training modes, you can adjust to your preferred setting and work your way up to a hardcore workout while making dinner, doing the laundry, or handling any other household task. 


Hula Your Way to a Slimmer Core With This Weighted Hula Hoop

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I’ve never been able to keep a hula hoop where it belongs—on my hips! Using a hula hoop is great for fitness training, especially if keeping it on your waist means a lot of bending over to pick it up! This weighted hula hoop massages your core as you work out, plus the massaging knobs along the inside of the hoop mean you won’t drop it.


Build Explosive Strength With the Adjustable Resistance Pilates Bar

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Pilates is easily my favorite exercise. It’s all about using your body’s own weight to stay fit and trim with low-to-no-impact on your body’s precious joints. It’s also about working your core and connecting your mind to the movements. The adjustable resistance pilates bar offers a total body workout with no jarring movements. A great workout and no injuries? Sign me up!


Blast Away Tension With This Percussion Massage Gun

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When I’m especially sore—weekend backpacking, anyone?—my massage roller stick doesn’t quite cut it. I like to work out the tension in my tired muscles with this easy-to-use percussion massage gun. You can use it alone for spots you can reach, but a partner can massage your upper and lower back and ease the ache in your calves.


Adjust Your Workout Anytime With This Adjustable Kettlebell Weight Set

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I love this adjustable set. I can start with no weights and add on as I build my core power. Choose your workout strength with this adjustable kettlebell weight set. Begin using the base kettlebell alone and, as you build strength, add on the included weights. It makes an excellent addition to any home gym setup.


Bring Comfort to the Studio Floor With This Thick Yoga Mat with Handles

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Downward Dog in style! Yoga helps me quiet my mind and reconnect with my body for mental and physical fitness. But it means we’re on the floor — a lot. Protect your joints during yoga with this easily transported thick yoga mat. With gorgeous color options to choose from, we can express our style while getting centered and staying fit.


Keep Your Ankles in Perfect Shape With the Slant Board for Calf Stretching

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Sometimes, I can barely fit in a workout, but stretching is so important for flexibility and preventing injuries. Skipping stretching before working out can mean stiff, sore muscles later, especially in your ankles and calves. Stretch them with this adjustable slant board for calf stretching. You can take this wedge anywhere, so even if you think you don’t have time, you do! 


Improve Your Strength and Balance With This Foam Yoga Block

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Yoga is a lot like pilates in that you connect your mind to the movements as you build strength and balance with this supportive foam yoga block. Deepen your stretches while using this prop for increased range of motion and improved meditation alignment. Plus, you can show the rest of the studio your personal style with these cool color options.


Can’t Bike to Work? Bike at Work With This Mini Exercise Bike

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Do you wish you could ride your bike more? I know I do, but where I live the weather makes it impossible sometimes, especially in the winter. If you can’t bike to work, bring your “bike” to work! This handy mini exercise bike is easily transported and fits discreetly under your desk so you can get your workout on. 


Build Your Resistance Training With These Resistance Exercise Bands

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I love resistance bands. They build strength, tone all the major muscle groups, and pump up my core power. But this workout isn’t just about power. It’s also about flexibility. The best part is I can take them anywhere with the handy mesh travel bag! These resistance exercise bands make me feel like I can take on the world.


Get a Whole-Body Workout With the Mini Stepper Stair Stepper with Resistance Bands

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Sometimes, our busy lifestyles don’t leave time for exercise. Thankfully, I can take this fitness tool with me wherever I go. Get a total body workout anywhere with the mini stair stepper with resistance bands. Coordinate movements to strengthen and tone your entire body!


Get Rollin’ With Your Fitness Routine and This Foam Roller

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Improve your balance, flexibility, and strength, or simply massage those tired muscles with this high-density exercise roller. Lay on the floor and place it beneath the small of your back, then slowly roll your body over the roller to loosen those tight back muscles.


Run in Style with This Classic Running Belt

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Jingle. Jingle. Jingle. Nope, it’s not Christmas—that’s my keys. Well, that was my keys until I found this life-changing fitness tool! Forget about those old fanny packs. This classic running belt holds keys and much more without them bouncing around screaming, “The 90s!” With four pockets for keys, phone, cards—you name it—you can run safely and quietly.


Ease Those Sore Muscles With This Massage Roller Stick

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After a run, my muscles just want some love. So, I get my partner to gently roll this along my upper and lower back, and even my thighs and calves. It feels so good!! Relieve your tired, achy muscles with this massage roller stick. Engage your partner to roll this over your back and legs to relieve muscle pain and stiffness.


Elbow Joint Protection Anytime, Anywhere, With This Stabilizing Elbow Brace

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How many times have you woken up and found that you slept on your arm wrong? I’ve been there! It’s probably the joint we think least about, but our elbows need protection, too. Protect your elbow while working, working out, typing, gardening, playing sports, and even while you sleep with this stabilizing elbow brace.


Brace for Impact in Style With This Knee Strap Brace

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Ever live in a 5th-floor walk-up? I have! Those stairs kept me in shape, but my knees sure took a beating. Even more than our elbows, knees get a lot of wear and tear, especially when we’re active on a regular basis. Give them some love and protection. Use this knee strap brace when running, jogging, squatting, and more.


Protect Against Impact Injuries with This Elastic Knee Stabilizer

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If I still lived in my 5th-floor walk-up, I’d be wearing this on the reg! The support is similar to the knee strap brace, but this knee stabilizer fits over your entire knee from below the knee to mid-thigh for extra support. It’s so comfortable and feels so good you won’t even know it’s there.


Perfect Your Posture and Protect Your Muscles With This Lower Back Brace

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If you suffer from low back pain like I do, you’ll find this fitness tool helps tremendously. This lower back brace helps minimize movement to protect and relieve sore lower back muscles. Use it for support when exercising or lifting heavy objects. I use it as a reminder to maintain proper posture to help my back muscles strengthen.


Alleviate Foot and Leg Pain With the Calf Stretcher and Foot Rocker

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If I overdo it, my feet and leg muscles let me know! If you suffer from plantar fasciitis or sore calf muscles after a strenuous workout, the calf stretcher and foot rocker can help alleviate pain while stretching your tired muscles. Plus, it just feels great!


Get Your Workout Anytime, Anywhere With This Set of 2 Workout Dumbbells

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This set of two workout dumbbells is the perfect answer to a quick workout when you’re crunched for time. I sneak in a quick workout on a break at work or while waiting for dinner to cook. This kind of workout equipment is easy to bring with you and easy to stash.


Stylish and Functional Arm Protection With These Arm Sleeves

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I can’t tell you how many bruises I’ve suffered over the years! My arms are especially prone to bumps and bruises from high-impact sports like beach volleyball. But these arm sleeves help decrease the sting from ball contact and protect your arms. They also help preserve proper form when setting up that spike.


Boost Into Explosive Power With This Cast-Iron Kettlebell

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I have a whole set of these in different weights. You can get a great workout, boost your resistance training, and strengthen your back, shoulders, arms, and your core with this cast iron kettle bell. Plastic kettlebells have their place, but these cast iron kettlebells make me feel awesomely powerful. Plus, they last a lifetime! 

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