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Christina Applegate Worries Fans Saying She Doesn’t ‘Enjoy Living’ Anymore

**Christina Applegate is facing a battle more challenging than any role she’s ever played.**


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**The “Dead to Me” star, 52, opened up about her profound struggle with depression due to her multiple sclerosis diagnosis.**


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**In a candid episode of her and Jamie-Lynn Sigler’s “MeSsy” podcast, she revealed, “I’m in a depression right now, which I don’t think I’ve felt that for years.”**


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**Applegate described her current state as a “real, f–k-it-all depression” that is scaring her with its fatalistic feelings.**

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**She admitted, “I’m trapped in, like, this darkness right now that I haven’t felt [in], like, I don’t even know how long, probably 20-something years.”**

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**This raw confession came after a surprise appearance at the 2024 Emmy Awards, where Applegate received a standing ovation.**

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**Despite the accolades, she confessed that the event was “the hardest day” of her life, leaving her so drained she spent the next two days sleeping.**

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 **“This is being really honest … I don’t enjoy living,” she shared with heartbreaking candor.**

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**“I don’t enjoy it. I don’t enjoy things anymore.”**

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 **Jamie-Lynn Sigler, who has been battling MS for over 20 years, was quick to acknowledge the harsh reality of living in a “disabled body.”**

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**However, she refused to let Applegate give up.**

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**“Once we get you to this place where we’re accepting that this is how it’s going to be, maybe forever …[coping with MS] is not a reason enough for you to stop living,” Sigler said.**

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 **“I sit here across from you, and you still make me laugh like nobody else can. You still make me smile. You make me feel loved. I can’t let you give up. I can’t. I need you to do it for me.”**

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**Applegate’s journey with MS, a debilitating disease that affects the central nervous system, has been a difficult one.**

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**First diagnosed in 2021, she has been open about the physical and emotional toll it has taken.**

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**MS can lead to a wide range of symptoms, from physical disabilities to cognitive challenges, making daily life a constant struggle.**

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“Hi friends. A few months ago I was diagnosed with MS,” she wrote back in 2021. “It’s been a strange journey. But I have been so supported by people that I know who also have this condition.

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**For someone who has spent decades in the spotlight, the shift has been particularly jarring.**

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**Applegate’s career has spanned over three decades, starting with her iconic role as Kelly Bundy on “Married… with Children.”**

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**She later starred in hit films like “Anchorman” and “The Sweetest Thing,” showcasing her versatility and comedic talent.**

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**More recently, her role in “Dead to Me” earned her critical acclaim and a dedicated fanbase.**

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**However, behind the scenes, she has been fighting an unseen battle.**

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**The shock of her MS diagnosis turned her world upside down.**

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**What many don’t realize is the extent of the mental health struggles that accompany such a life-altering condition.**

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**Depression and anxiety are common among those with chronic illnesses, as they cope with the loss of their former selves and the uncertainty of their futures.**

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Applegate’s admission to fearing therapy highlights a significant barrier many face in seeking help.

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**“I’m so afraid for those floodgates to open and that I won’t be able to stop,” she confessed, revealing her apprehension about confronting her emotions.**

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**The fear of being overwhelmed by pain and grief is a familiar one for many in similar situations.**

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 **Yet, seeking therapy can be a crucial step towards healing and managing mental health.**

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**Applegate’s honesty has struck a chord with many who are silently battling their own demons.**

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**Her willingness to speak out brings much-needed attention to the mental health challenges faced by those with chronic illnesses.**

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**It also underscores the importance of support systems and open conversations about mental health.**

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**The resilience and strength it takes to face such challenges head-on are immense.**

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**Applegate’s story is a reminder of the human capacity for endurance, even in the darkest times.**

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**While her current state is deeply concerning, her resolve to reconnect with her therapist offers a glimmer of hope.**

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**The bond between Applegate and Sigler is a testament to the power of friendship and solidarity.**

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**Sigler’s words of encouragement reflect the deep empathy and understanding shared by those who face similar struggles.**

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**“You make me feel loved. I can’t let you give up,” Sigler’s plea is a powerful reminder of the impact we have on each other’s lives.**

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**As Applegate navigates this difficult period, her bravery in sharing her story shines a light on an often-overlooked aspect of chronic illness.**

**Depression is a formidable foe, but with the right support and treatment, there is a path forward.**

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 **Christina Applegate’s journey is far from over.**

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**Her openness and vulnerability offer a beacon of hope to others facing similar battles.**

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 **The fight against MS and depression is relentless, but it’s a fight that must continue.**

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 **In sharing her struggle, Applegate helps to break down the stigma surrounding mental health and chronic illness.**

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 **Her story is a powerful call to action for empathy, understanding, and support.**

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**For now, Applegate’s fans and loved ones can only hope that her path leads to a place of healing and renewed strength.**