“Beauty” and “eco-friendly” are terms that don’t have to be mutually exclusive … even though they often are. Although many beauty brands have wised up and stopped doing things like using dangerous chemicals and testing their products on animals, it’s not always easy to figure out who’s on the up and up and who isn’t. A lot of skin and hair care companies give lip service to using responsibly sourced or vegan/organic ingredients and others, well, they simply hope you won’t ask.
It probably won’t seem far-fetched that you can find eco-friendly beauty products on Amazon; after all, you can find just about anything else on Amazon, can’t you?! A quick search for “eco-friendly beauty products” on the online retailer turns up more than 10,000 results (and I’m guessing many, many more than that) including things like compostable razors, zero-waste body lotion bars, and vegan toner. You can still look good while feeling good about your carbon footprint … with the addition of great Amazon prices and speedy Prime shipping!